Special Discount New Rap4 Strikeforce Paintball Vest Digi Brown w/ Pouch

Good Offer New Rap4 Strikeforce Paintball Vest Digi Brown w/ Pouch

Reviews and Save Price: The "New Rap4 Strikeforce Paintball Vest Digi Brown w/ Pouch" is a good quality, up to standard, and reliable item with decent expense by Rap4. Worth paying. It would not be a waste of your money! have fun with buying and you may know that New Rap4 Strikeforce Paintball Vest Digi Brown w/ Pouch would not fail you.
New Rap4 Strikeforce Paintball Vest Digi Brown w/ Pouch

Property Of New Rap4 Strikeforce Paintball Vest Digi Brown w/ Pouch By Rap4

Information Of New Rap4 Strikeforce Paintball Vest Digi Brown w/ Pouch By Rap4

Strikeforce Paintball Vest, the latest in our highly successful line of tactical vests for scenario paintball, Airsoft, and whatever else you can dream up. The Strikeforce Paintball Vest is designed to keep you competitive in the fastest and most furious paintball games! Its design was based on real tactical vests, and then improved specifically for paintball. The Strikeforce Paintball Vest reflects the latest design trends with modular pouches that are fully interchangeable and fully configurable to meet any users needs.Regular size fits users who wear S, M, L and XL shirt sizes. Regular - fits users under 6 feet and weights under 250lbs integrated map and ID pouch.The new map and ID pouch allows you access to your player ID card with a flip of your finger. The pouch keeps your maps clean and organized, and they can easily be read during the heat of battle. 1 Shoulder Radio Pouch.4 Paintball Pod Holders in the front that will hold 4 - 100 or 140 or 150 Round Pods, 9oz or 12oz CO2 Tank.compatible with all types of MOLLE pouches.Loops around the bottom so you can wear a tactical belt with the vest.Air tank pouch it fits all CO2 tank sizes, 48ci and 68ci HPA tanks also....see more

New Rap4 Strikeforce Paintball Vest Digi Brown w/ Pouch

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